How to Pick Your Perfect Cannabis Seed
When it comes to collecting, one of the most fascinating things you may select to collect are cannabis seeds. These controversial little beans are one of the most finely engineered organic products readily available, probably just slightly behind roses. The wonderful features along with the sheer variety of different strains of seed available make them one of the grow weed most interesting and most daunting collections to start.
One of the quests some collectors tackle would be to try and find their perfect cannabis seed. Every different strain holds another set of attributes which will combine to provide you with the perfect seed that matches your taste. Here is what to search for...
This is the primary psychoactive component found in a completely grown cannabis plant also when you search for seeds you may see the THC percentage recorded. Though your seeds will not contain any actual THC, each strain was designed to reliably produce a plant that will have this level of THC. If you're fortunate enough to reside in a country where growing cannabis is legal you will be able to try it out. If you are not, you'll need to make do with your perfect seed with the potential to produce certain levels of THC.
One more thing you might want to know about your cannabis seed is how far cannabis it could make if it were legal to grow it. Yield is normally measured in grams and is worked out by the typical yield found from the breeder. If you like to learn your seed could produce a high yield that is an attribute you may prefer to look at.
Choosing a breed isn't only about the marijuana very important statistics though. You find quite similar THC and yield levels on various cannabis seeds so you want to decide on a strain you prefer. A good way to do this is to take a look at ones that have won valid awards for quality. Every year they estimate what seed bank and what person cannabis seed would be the best of this year. Feminized seeds are probably the very de rigueur in the moment.